Legislative Resources
Nishnabotna Valley REC employees and directors spend time in Des Moines and Washington DC to visit with legislators about issues that could affect your cost of electricity.
Your Electric Cooperative Representing Your Voice
NVREC in Des Moines
Nishnabotna Valley REC employees and directors serve as advocates for the member-owners of your Cooperative. We meet with legislators in the Capitol building in Des Moines and and talk to them about issues that could affect your electric rates. It is important to make sure we can continue to serve our member-owners with safe, reliable and affordable electricity.
NVREC in Washington DC
Nishnabotna Valley joins several other RECs across Iowa each fall and spring traveling to Washington D.C. to speak to Legislators at the Federal level.
Your electric cooperative employees and directors work closely with elected officials and regulatory bodies to ensure that the concerns of rural citizens are clearly heard in the legislative process.
Iowa Rural Power
Iowa Rural Power is a grassroots campaign run by member-consumers of Iowa’s electric cooperatives. We power more than 650,000 member’s homes, businesses, and farms across all 99 counties!
We are advocating for safe, affordable, reliable electricity — delivered in an environmentally responsible manner as well as a bright and continuous economic future for our state and the members on our grid.
Voices for Cooperative Power
Members of Voices for Cooperative Power (VCP) work together to influence elected officials as they make important federal and state policy decisions that impact electric co-ops and their consumer-members. Our experiences and the ways we use energy are unique. VCP members come together to communicate this perspective and protect the ability of our co-ops to deliver affordable, reliable services to our communities.
Your Legislators
With Iowa's population shifting to urban and suburban areas, it is more important than ever that the voices of rural Iowa remain strong and vigilant. Policy makers must understand how proposed energy policies could affect the future economic well-being of Iowa's rural economies, and it is up to us to tell them our story.
Use this link to find your local legislator.
Legislative Issues in Iowa
Iowa’s member-owned electric cooperative advocates have an authentic, American story to tell and are banding together to promote safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible energy for Iowans.
You can help your electric cooperative in this effort by continuing the discussion with friends, family, and elected officials. Get involved today and help make sure policymakers and candidates represent the interests of rural Iowa!