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Iowa One Call

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Iowa One Call is a free notification service for locating underground lines. Iowa law requires any person owning a home, being a professional contractor, or private entity call “811”, 48 hours before excavation. This law assures the safety of the person digging and avoids the cost of repairing lines damaged by unmarked digging. Be Safe, Not Sorry!

Call Iowa One Call “811” or 800-292-8989 before you dig!

Nishnabotna Valley Rural Electric Cooperative will locate our underground electric utility service, including underground utilities to the transformer and/or the electric meter FREE. When time allows, the Cooperative offers the service of locating the member’s secondary electric service, including anything from the meter to your project, for a charge. Examples of member’s responsibility would be from the meter to the home, shop, bin, etc. Your cooperative also has no mapping records of the location of your secondary electric service.

Just remember – If you hit an underground power line, you could be fatally injured!

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