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Annual Meeting of Members
The Annual Meeting of the Members of Nishnabotna Valley Rural Electric Cooperative was held at the Vet's Memorial Auditorium in Harlan, IA, at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 2024.
Every member has a vote in the cooperative business model. The member-owners are responsible for electing a Board of Directors to represent their best interests. Votes could be mailed in or dropped off in person at the Member Appreciation Event and Annual Meeting. Then tallying of votes is done at the Annual Meeting of Members, which is announced in several ways to the members to include a personal invitation included in the Annual Report mailed to the member's home or business.
This year's Annual Meeting included the election of two (2) directors from District 5 and District 6. Each to serve for a 3-year term. The candidates were nominated for Director by the Committee of Nominations.
Director election results for Districts 5 and 6 are as follows:
District No. 5: Bryan Greve
District No. 6: Dave Applegate
All member-owners who voted were eligible to win either a $50 bill credit or one of several grand prizes.
2022 Drawing Winners
$50 Bill Credit
Scott Assmann
Robbie Bissen
William Hastert
Roger McMartin
Tom Powers
Jeffrey Walton
Member-owners who attended this year’s member appreciation event were entered into a drawing to win great door prizes. We appreciate all the members who attended the event and congratulate our winners!
Lanny Petsche won the Ice Cream Maker
Steve and Deedee Leinen won the Pressure Washer
Duane and Linda Reinig won the Robot Vacuum
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